Be spontaneous and improve your family's life

50 Easy Ways to Improve Your Family Life

CanCan Mom has simple tips for adding creativity and spark to your days. Here are 50 ways to improve your family life without making a fuss.

CanCan Mom’s creative routines and schedules make motherhood easier and more fun. Interact with love and laughter more often than impatience by incorporating my unique Quick Steps into your daily family life!

-CanCan Mom, Cheryl L. Butler

Moms Crushing It with CanCan Quick Steps

Do you find that between work, school, your kids’ activities, and trying to get dinner on the table every night, you’re like a hamster in a wheel, chasing that elusive carrot? Me too!

That’s why I’ve created these 50 tips to help myself and parents everywhere inject some much-needed fun and creativity into their family lives:

1.      Get outside, especially in the winter, and enjoy some fresh air with your family.  Even if it’s a brisk walk around your neighborhood—spending time outdoors can revive your senses and boost your energy.

Get outdoors and enjoy the weather no matter what the season.
Surprise your family by bundling up and taking a walk outdoors no matter what the weather.

2.      Try one new recipe this week.  It’s amazing what introducing some new flavors can do to shake up your dinner rut.

3.      Play a board game you’ve never played before.  You can ask your friends and family for their favorite suggestions and then even borrow the game before investing in it.

4.      Get away from chocolate and vanilla and try a new flavor of ice cream for dessert this week.

5.      Have everyone get into their PJs right after school, have breakfast for dinner, and then chill out with a movie.

Chill out with your family in your PJs right after school.
Shake it up by having the entire family get into their PJs right after school and have a cozy movie night.

6.      Send funny cards to your kids via old-fashioned snail mail.

7.      Send a romantic card to your spouse at work.

8.      Keep a gratitude journal for one month—longer if you love how it makes you feel.

9.      Catch your family members doing something good and let them know you’ve noticed.

10.    Plan a mystery ride for one day next weekend, and don’t give any clues until you set out for your adventure.

11.     Tonight, before your kids go to bed, leave a little treat, like a Hershey’s Kiss, on their pillows.

12.    When trying to solve a problem (like figuring out where to go on your next family vacation), ask for input from your kids.

13.    Be mindful of your voice volume—turn it down to a friendly level as often as possible.

14.    Don’t criticize family members in front of others.

15.    On the other hand, praise them noticeably in front of others.

16.    Send your child’s teacher a note of appreciation in the middle of the school year, not just during Teacher Appreciation Week in May.

17.    Drive your kids to school one day instead of sending them on the bus.  Use the ride to talk and catch up.

18.    Surprise your kids by picking them up from school and stopping for a hot chocolate or an ice cream cone on the way home.

19.    Take a random photo shoot of your kids and send them off to their grandparents, letting them know you’re thinking about them.

20.    Do something special for yourself and take a hot bubble bath tonight.  Let your family know you’ll be back in action in an hour.

21.    Organize one of your junk drawers together as a family after dinner.  Many items may now get claimed when the family realizes they’ve been missing.

22.    Have everyone go through their closet and drawers, remove five things they don’t wear or need any longer, and donate those items to charity.

23.    Transfer all of your photos from your cell phones to your family’s computer and select a few to print and frame.

24.    Download some family-friendly podcasts or audiobooks and listen to them in the car this week.

25.    Hang some of your kids’ favorite artwork masterpieces in your home.

Hang your child's artwork randomly throughout the house.
Watch your child beam when you hang his latest masterpiece proudly in your home.

26.    Start some flower or veggie seedlings right in your kitchen—get the kids involved so they can witness the progress.

27.    Encourage your family to drink more water.

28.    Give your kids a mini massage and help them relieve the tension of their school day.

29.    Block off time on your calendar to go bowling with your kids.

30.    Schedule a couple of 30-minute pockets of quiet time during the week when electronics will be off entirely.

31.    Do your best to create a non-yelling household.

32.    Surprise your kids with homemade waffles or pancakes on a school morning.

33.    If your kids are old enough, get a bunch of fun balloons and place them throughout your house—just because.

34.    Learn something new together as a family—like how to play chess or do a new craft.

35.    Practice random acts of kindness together, such as paying for the car behind you in the drive-thru coffee shop or at a toll booth.

36.    Help your kids make brownies or chocolate-covered strawberries to deliver to your neighbor.

Let your kids help bake.
Let your kids help bake a treat for the neighbors, just because.

37.    Offer to watch a friend’s kids and let your older kids help entertain them with a puppet show.

38.    Blow bubbles in your front yard, even during winter.

39.    Get your kids’ feedback on something they absolutely love about your family/home and one thing they would like to see change.

40.    Vote on one habit your family needs to adopt. Possible options include: arriving at appointments and parties on time, not procrastinating on homework and projects, eating more fruits and vegetables, etc. Then work together to make it happen.

41.    Listen with your undivided attention instead of doing all the talking.

42.    Give more hugs.

43.    Say “I Love You” more often.

44.    Redecorate one area of your home with input from the entire family.

45.    Pick a cause in your community and contribute your family’s time or talents together.

46.    Stop gossiping.  Role model that important saying, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”

47.    If you have pets, pledge to love and take even better care of them—as a family.

Show your pets the love!

Pledge to love your family pets even more than before!

48.    Take a hint from Alice in Wonderland and schedule an “un-birthday” celebration this month.

49.    Focus on all the good in your life instead of dwelling on what’s not going your way.

50.    No matter how challenging your parenting situation maybe—try not to take your kids and loved ones for granted. Instead, look for new and creative ways to keep love and happiness at the center of your family’s life.  

Appreciate every moment with your family
Showing your family the love and not taking them for granted is the best gift you can give your family.

What are some special ways you’ve improved the quality of your family’s life? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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