grandparents reading to grandchild

7 Fantastic Reasons Grandparents Are Essential to Their Family

Every day kids spend with loving grandparents is a day to celebrate!

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We officially celebrate Grandparent’s Day on the first Sunday after Labor Day. For those fortunate to have grandparents, this holiday is the perfect time to acknowledge this relationship, but every day spent with loving grandparents is a day to celebrate!

Grandparents are the essence of family. Knowing you have people who will love and care for you no matter what is one of life’s greatest gifts. Grandparents provide strong roots that keep families connected and united—a solid foundation that will benefit grandkids for years to come.

grandparent fishing with grandson
Spending quality time together is one of the most important gifts grandparents can offer to their grandkids.

Hearing stories about grandparents, mom or dad, aunts, and uncles is fun, especially when learning fascinating tidbits about our heritage and our parents’ childhood antics. Researchers at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, have found that children who know much about their families have higher self-esteem than those who only know a little. They are also more likely to feel in control of their own lives. Who knew?

Grandparents provide stability, as a close relationship benefits the health and well-being of both grandparent and grandchild. In an article for US News, social psychologist Susan Newman says, “Grandparents are a security blanket. If somebody they trust and know is always on their side, that’s a huge emotional plus for the child. They have somebody around who’s comforting, who hugs, sits, and reads with them.” And the grandparents get lots of hugs, too.

Grandparents exhibit unlimited patience Grandparents (having been through the ages and stages with their own kids) have more patience with their grandchildren. Kids need adults present to witness when they learn and grow—especially to reinforce all the positives—and grandparents are their cheering section! Even hardworking grandparents typically have more time and patience to offer than busy parents.

grandparents being patient
Grandparents are patient because many have more time to spend explaining and teaching things to their grandkids.

Grandparents who show and discuss hobbies and life skills are some of our kids’ best teachers. Kids learn about home repairs, gardening, cooking, sewing, cleaning, organizing, and the basics of turn-taking, problem-solving, and the art of treating others respectfully. Lifeskills like these may not be included in a school curriculum, but they are core subjects for grandparents—and for great memories to last a lifetime, like making muffins from scratch, sewing a button back on, or repairing a toy.

One of my favorite ways to spend time with my 5-year-old grandson is snuggling and reading to him. He loves the excitement as I voice different characters in one of his colorful picture books. I can’t stop smiling when I see the look of delight and contentment in his face each time we read together. To make reading time even more special, I have books like Grandma Loves You and others that are only read with grandparents at their house.

Kids don’t have nearly enough downtime these days. Grandparents are some of the most imaginative people around. Whether building sandcastles at the beach or making giant forts in their dining room, Grandma and Grandpa embrace adventure and cultivate fantastic play scenarios without worrying about how messy things might get. Kids, even teens, need an outlet to let loose and explore whimsy and unscheduled downtime. Kudos to all the grandparents who support and cultivate this necessary outlet to unwind and discover.

If you’re looking for ideas to get started, Pinterest has many ideas for jumpstarting imaginative play.

When I revisit my childhood, the special relationship I shared with my grandparents always tops the list. And now that I’m a grandmother, I cherish those memories even more as I begin to create new traditions with my young grandson.

You may also enjoy: How to Create Meaningful Traditions for Your Family

In what ways are grandparents instrumental in your family’s life? For all kinds of mom-centered creative ideas, visit me on Pinterest at If you have questions or suggestions, email me at or leave a comment below.