Welcome to CanCanMom!

Fast & Free Real Solutions for Busy Moms where Chaos is Conquered and Fun is Created! 

CanCan Moms are the stars of their own show—so enjoy the fun quick steps that focus on you in the Mom Fuel Category like 4 Easy Tips Parents Can Use to Survive the Witching Hour and How to Get Out of Your Mom Rut.

Whatever the ages of your children or mom situation you are in, search for  topics of interest—(Stop bedwetting), (Awkwardness in Middle School), (Sibling Rivalry, etc.) to get a fresh perspective and quick solutions if needed or support and ideas to create your own action plan.

All posts are about making your life easier and more fun as you raise your children. Here are some popular posts:

Create a Deep and Loving Mother-Son Bond or Build An Unbreakable Mother-Daughter Bond. 

Also important are Routines to Create Balance in Your Home.

CanCanMom offers observations, laughs, and quick solutions on a wide array of parenting topics so you can have a happier family life with Cheryl Butler, your virtual mom next door. 

Cheryl’s Story:

After five years of infertility and a beautiful adoption, I finally became a mom. Check out my post, Infertility–My Road to Motherhood Had Eight Incredible On-Ramps, for the details. 

My family grew from 0 to 8 kids in less than a decade. The summer I had four kids under the age of three was life-changing. I had the choice to have a nervous breakdown (no time for that!) or shift my mindset and start enjoying the family I worked so hard to have. 

My mom journey was overwhelming, but I wanted less stress and more fun for all of us so I:

  • Conquered chaos and created more fun on a daily basis, and you can too with my proven tips in 5 Easy Ways To Put More Fun Into Parenting. My favorites are #1 and #5—and I believe they could also be game-changers for you.
  • Learned how to enjoy my family more when I began My Love Affair with Dinner. 
  • Also, I created habits that cut my time in the kitchen in half while saving a good chunk of money. See 4 Great Reasons Meal Planning Is a Must for a Happier Family Life.
  • Found an amazing tip that solved all my laundry woes. I share it in 5 Easy Ways You Can Save Time and Energy Doing Laundry. 

Life was humming along when we received an unexpected diagnosis. Two of our children were on the autism spectrum. Determined to be their best advocates, we learned how to support their needs and help them flourish. If you find yourself in a similar situation, there are posts to help and support you. For example: 6 Easy Ways to Help a Child with Learning Differences. 

We rallied and got back on track, but several years later, I was dealt an unexpected blow—a divorce, and became a single mom working outside-the-home, which added a whole new slew of complications to my life. If you can relate, check out 5 Expert Tips to Help Your Kids Understand Divorce and 6 Ways to Stay Strong as a Single Parent Family.

CanCanMom shares tips and quick-step strategies for all your essential parenting needs, challenges, and unique celebrations. Even when you face Parenting Obstacles and Life’s Got You DownCanCanMom.com is here for you!   

Cheryl Butler is the former host of MacMillan Publishers popular “Mighty Mommy” parenting podcast for ten years (now known as Project Parenthood) as well as a family columnist for 25 years. She is the author of the Mom Ops: Observations, Laughs, and Solutions for a Happier Family Life series and co-author of Kitchen Island Time and The Focus on Joy journal series. She has also been featured in several anthology series, including Chicken Soup For The Preschool Mother’s Soul, Chicken Soup For The Chocolate Lover’s Soul, and The Misadventures of Mom and Disasters of Dad.  

Cheryl and her family reside mostly in Rhode Island where she is now enjoying her delightful role as a grandmother to her first sweet grandson.