The Care and Upkeeping of You, Teenage Book choice
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CanCan Mom Book Review: The Care and Keeping of You: The Body Book for Younger Girls, Revised Edition

Adolescent girls need positive support when they enter puberty. The Care and Keeping of You: The Body Book for Younger Girls is a must for any young woman’s library.

The Care and Upkeeping of You, Teenage Book choice
This book is a great addition to any young girl’s library.

As a mom of three daughters, I found this book extremely helpful and “spot on” when explaining the delicate issues girls between the ages of 8 – 14 worry about: braces, shaving, periods, peer pressure, breasts, eating disorders, acne, and more.

I really appreciate that the book emphasizes that who a girl is on the inside is way more important than how she looks. It encourages girls to be self-confident and positive.

I also like that it tells girls not to compare themselves to models, actresses, or even other girls they know. It stresses that all women are different and beautiful. It encourages girls to be kind to themselves and others and to love their bodies no matter what their shape, and even gives an overview on how to insert a tampon!

It makes a great birthday gift, stocking stuffer, or a “Just because I love you” gift to a daughter or special young lady in your life.

– CanCan Mom, Cheryl L. Butler

CanCan Mom

Have you read this book? What are your thoughts? Any other suggestions that tween/teen girls should have in their library? Please share in the comment section below.

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