Delightful children's story, The Surfing Mouse
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CanCan Mom Book Review–The Surfing Mouse

Everyone’s afraid of something. The Surfing Mouse is the story of a brave young mouse who overcomes his fear of surfing big waves. It shows how determination, strength, and a strong belief in yourself can help you achieve your dreams and goals.

The Surfing Mouse is a delightful story about a brave mouse who takes on his fears!
The Surfing Mouse is a delightful story about conquering your fears! No matter what!

I’m always looking for an adorable book that will send a positive message to my kids and loved ones.

Today, I found the perfect book—The Surfing Mouse!

Everyone’s afraid of something. “The Surfing Mouse” is the story of a brave young mouse who overcomes his fear of surfing big waves. It shows how determination, strength, and a strong belief in yourself can help you achieve your dreams and goals. With stunning illustrations and a catchy rhyming story, this epic “tail” will surely captivate your children. Surf is definitely up!

– CanCanMom, Cheryl L. Butler

CanCan Mom

I was so enthralled with this book I eagerly sought an interview with its author, Stefan Piccione, a finalist in the 17th annual National Indie Excellence Awards!

I know you’ll enjoy the heartfelt background behind the story of The Surfing Mouse as much as I did, and will want to add it to the library collection of the special children (and adults!) in your life.

Stefan Piccione has been writing from his heart for several decades. It started with a poem that just came to him one day.   He started playing acoustic guitar and decided he’d like to keep track of his original songs. In college at Fairfield University, he took a screenwriting class as a part of his Film Major, and during that time, he wrote his first draft of The Surfing Mouse as well as a handful of other children’s books.

He shared that during this time, he enjoyed helping his friends Sally and Chris put their kids to bed. He would play guitar and sing, as well as read bedtime stories to them. Stefan shared that he would try to choose inspiring books to read but was continually unimpressed with the stories on their bookshelves.

As a lover of the ocean and a surfer, he remembers thinking one of his stories would leave them with a greater impact than those in their collection, so he got serious about publishing his own book.

“As every surfer knows, it’s a waiting game for the swell.  There are days when you show up at the beach, and the waves are too small to surf. This is part of what makes surfing so special; you can’t just go out and surf every day; the ocean must provide you with waves. Sometimes on those small days, the waves are only about ankle high but are perfect little peeling barrels.  I often thought they would be perfect overhead barrels if you were the size of a mouse.”

The inspiration of the story was to teach a valuable life lesson. “The Surfing Mouse is about facing your fears and always believing in yourself. Doing the things you’re afraid of will help you learn and grow. I believe self-confidence is one of the most important traits a person can possess.”

This quote from Henry Ford is one of Piccione’s favorites.

‘There are two kinds of people: Those who think they can, and those who think they can’t, and they’re both right.’

Henry Ford

He continues by sharing how he sees himself in the main character. “The excitement of showing up to the beach and seeing the perfect waves. Paddling out with a huge smile on your face, ready for a great session. Then the panic that sets in when you see a large wave on the horizon and know that you’re about to get caught inside (meaning that the wave is going to break before you can paddle over it), it’s exhilarating and overwhelming all at the same time.”

The resolved mouse must not give up and quit but continue and face his fear. And he does, leaving him feeling the swell of success of overcoming such a huge obstacle.

Parents want to fill their children’s libraries with a grand selection of transformative books. The author feels that his book should be a part of this collection. “The moral of the story is valuable whether you surf or not; the meaning of the story holds true for all aspects of life. Life is about taking risks, conquering fears, growing, and learning,” nods Piccione.

Also, the illustrations are so powerful! He wanted the book to not only tell a great story but to be a work of art as well and feels The Surfing Mouse has encaptured all of this.

Credit for this beautiful and captivating child’s story also goes to the illustrator, Em Croteau, who he found on Instagram. “I randomly came across this beautiful wave painting, and it was hers. When I saw the other ocean waves she painted, I was incredibly impressed. Some people just paint waves, and others can capture the look and feel of the ocean. She just gets it.  And as a surfer herself, I think that passion for the sea shows in her work!”

Authors are passionate about their stories, and Piccione is no different. He has a special message for all his readers: If you have a dream or a goal, don’t give up on it unless you decide you no longer want it. I wrote this book over a decade ago. It sat in a file on my old MacBook, and I would randomly check in and change a word or a line in the story. My friends and family told me how special the story was, and eventually, I found the right self-publishing company and illustrator and made it happen.”

This delightful and inspirational story can be a part of your children’s library as well. It’s available online on, Barnes &,, and dozens of other websites. Soon, the book will be in local surf shops, bookstores, libraries, and other seaside venues.

You can follow Stefan Piccione and The Surfing Mouse, as well as his future stories, on Instagram @stefanpiccione. Also, check out the incredible artwork of the illustrator on Instagram @emcroteauu.

What are your favorite children’s books? Perhaps The Surfing Mouse can join your library of best-read books! Share why you love to read to your child; leave your email address, and you’ll have a chance to win a copy of The Surfing Mouse!

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