6 Ways to Stay Strong as a Single Parent Family
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6 Ways to Stay Strong as a Single Parent Family

Here are six ways to stay strong as a single parent family and be happy, healthy, and thriving. Moms Crushing It with CanCan Quick Steps Here are six strategies that you can use to make your life as a single parent easier and more fulfilling: You Can Do This! As a single parent, everything takes…

5 Easy Ways to Say Yes to Your Kids Without Being a Pushover
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5 Easy Ways to Say Yes to Your Kids Without Being a Pushover

Parenting isn’t easy, but saying “No” tends to be. CanCan Mom shows you how to say yes to your kids without being a pushover. Moms Crushing It with CanCan Quick Steps When we say ‘Yes’ to reasonable requests, we give our children the chance to grow. When we habitually say ‘No,’ or do so without…

How to Create Meaningful Traditions for Your Family

How to Create Meaningful Traditions for Your Family

Family traditions create special memories all year round. Here’s how to create meaningful family traditions that your family will treasure for years to come. Moms Crushing It with CanCan Quick Steps The holiday season is probably the most popular time for practicing family traditions. But the rituals we share with our families are important to…

30 Simple Ways to Be Grateful for Family and Friends
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30 Simple Ways to Be Grateful for Family and Friends

Every day is a great opportunity to count your blessings and relish quality family time. Here are 30 simple ways to be grateful for family and friends. Moms Crushing It with CanCan Quick Steps The concept of gratitude is a beautiful way to embrace life every day. By taking the time to mindfully appreciate the…

5 Important Ways Routines Will Create Balance in Your Home
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5 Important Ways Routines Will Create Balance in Your Home

Here are 5 important ways routines will bring peace and organization to your home, lower stress, and instill responsibility into kids. Moms Crushing It with Quick Steps If you would like more quality family time, a little more time for yourself, and a calmer, more organized home, simply establish some solid routines. Today, CanCan Mom…

5 Ways To Co-Parent Successfully With Your Ex
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5 Ways To Co-Parent Successfully With Your Ex

During and after your divorce, put your kids first. Here are 5 ways to co-parent successfully with your ex. Moms Crushing It with CanCan Quick Steps Once our family had adjusted to the fact that we would be divorcing, my ex-husband and I made a pact that although we would no longer be a couple,…

7 Special Ways To Build An Unbreakable Mother-Daughter Bond
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7 Special Ways To Build An Unbreakable Mother-Daughter Bond

Mothers and daughters have intense relationships—often complex and challenging. Here are seven special ways you can build an unbreakable mother-daughter bond. Moms Crushing It with CanCan Quick Steps Regardless of how long you’ve been parenting your daughter, there are seven actions you can take immediately to nurture and strengthen your relationship: One of the Great…

How to Create a Deep and Loving Mother-Son Bond
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How to Create a Deep and Loving Mother-Son Bond

The relationship between a mom and her son is special. Check out five ways to create a deep and loving mother-son bond. Moms Crushing It with CanCan Quick Steps Here are five ways to strengthen your relationship with the boy who holds your heartstrings: Tip 1: Get into the Groove of Communicating With A Boy…

4 Practical Ways to Help Your Child Overcome Bedwetting
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4 Practical Ways to Help Your Child Overcome Bedwetting

If bedwetting is a non-medical problem, here are four practical ways for parents to help children stay calm while overcoming this trying situation. Moms Crushing It with CanCan Quick Steps Moms Crushing It with CanCan Quick Steps There are many reasons why a child has bed-wetting issues. First, have your pediatrician determine if there is…