How to Preserve Your Sanity While Effectively Treating Your Child’s Head Lice

How to Preserve Your Sanity While Effectively Treating Your Child’s Head Lice

Head lice outbreaks at schools are common. If it happens to your child, don’t panic. Thankfully, there is a simple solution—Vaseline! The Bad News–Your Child Has Lice If you’ve ever received an unexpected telephone call in the middle of the night, you remember that heart-stopping wave of nausea you experienced as you cautiously answered the…

5 Ways to Overcome Parenting Obstacles When Life’s Got You Down

5 Ways to Overcome Parenting Obstacles When Life’s Got You Down

When life’s got you down, successful parenting can be challenging. Switch your mindset with these five easy approaches and quickly return to a positive place. Take Action Here are five positive tips to overcome parenting obstacles when life has you feeling down. Tip 1: Accept and Let Go of Things You Can’t Control One of…