Happy Woman with clean house
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8 Easy Ways To Have a Clean Home

Incorporate these eight easy ways to have a clean home so you’ll never have to be discouraged by clutter and chaos again.

CanCan Mom’s hundreds of creative Get-to-Do Lists, routines, schedules, and solutions all make motherhood easier and more fun! Recognizing that you “Get To Do” these things because you are blessed to have a family simply reminds you to Interact with love and laughter more often than impatience.

Have fun incorporating my unique Fast & Free Quick Steps into your daily life!

CanCan Mom

Housekeeping Doesn’t Have to be a Chore!

“Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change

Wayne Dyer

That quote became my mantra when it came to mundane home duties. Our family was fortunate to have a nice home. How I cared for it was up to me—so why not make it a pleasant experience?

Tip 1: Start the Day Off on a Positive Note by Making Your Bed

You’ll have a sense of accomplishment when you walk in and out of your room. You can enjoy your space instead of fretting over the chaos.

neatly made bed
Start your day by making your bed! It sets the tone for the rest of your day!

Tip 2: Save Your Sanity with a Little Laundry Discipline

The best laundry tip I’ve ever learned in all my years of doing laundry for a large family does require discipline, but it is a game-changer!

Never put a load of clothes into the dryer until you’ve folded the laundry you just removed from it. Ever!


One of the reasons I procrastinated folding laundry was because I wasn’t good at it. Home organizational guru Marie Kondo changed that. If you’re unfamiliar with her trademark, brilliant way to fold neatly and store clothes, take a look at the video on the KonMari fold.

See Also: 5 Easy Ways You Can Save Time and Energy Doing Laundry

Tip 3: Use Catch-All Baskets

Find pretty baskets or containers to leave in key areas of your home like the stairway or family room. As you notice them, place items that don’t belong in that area of your home in these catch-all baskets. Then, whenever you’re heading upstairs or to whatever area the items belong, grab the basket and put things back in their proper places.

Tip 4: Live by the Five-Minute Rule

Whenever you notice a small task that you can quickly complete, don’t put it off until you have more time—seize the moment. For example, unload the dishwasher or sweep the floor while waiting for the coffee maker or microwave oven to finish. Look for small pockets of time and neaten something.

Make Housekeeping a Quick Game!

Make Housekeeping a Quick Game!

Make the five-minute rule into a fun game for yourself—you’ll be shocked at what you can finish!

This game is also a great mood-lifter and quick workout!

Put some upbeat music on and deliberately put your Catch-All Basket to use. How many items can you put in it while walking/dancing quickly around any room for one or two songs, straightening up messes on tables or shelves, and/or concentrating on clearing the clutter from the floor? If you have time for another song or two, follow through and empty the basket by putting items back in the other rooms where they belong.

man and woman dancing while cleaning their house
Put on your favorite tunes while you tidy up your home. You’ll have a blast, and the bonus is a clean space!

Lots of other options: In one or two songs, dust a room; wipe down the counter and cupboards in a bathroom or kitchen; fold a load of laundry the KonMari way; clear out and clean one or two shelves in the fridge; or check the pantry for items close to Best if Used By dates—then use or donate to a food bank.

Let the Kids Play Along!

Give everyone a job—vacuuming, dusting, wiping off fingerprints from windows, and so on. Then, set a timer or play a couple of songs and race against the clock for a helpful speed-cleaning session or find out who can get the most tasks done in five minutes.

Prizes or rewards will reinforce the Five-Minute-Rule!

Keep Going—Halfway to a Neater, Cleaner Home

Tip 5: Store Plastic Containers the Right Way

Nesting containers does save space, but by putting covers on before storing them away, you’ll never have mismatched containers again. You’re taking up more cabinet space by hanging onto containers that don’t have lids. (I promise you, this is life-changing!)

tupperware with lids on
Get in the habit of storing your containers with the lids on–you’ll save your sanity by never having mismatched lids.

Tip 6: Use Your Dishwasher for More Than Just Dishes

This fantastic household unit is not just for dishes. Items like sponges and cleaning utensils, fan blades, pet toys, sports equipment, and even sweaty baseball caps can safely be cleaned in your dishwasher.


Before you clean any object in the dishwasher, do your research to be sure it’s safe.

Tip 7: Rescue Your Bathroom with White Vinegar

Here’s a “miracle cleaner” for bathrooms. A combination of 2/3 cup white vinegar and 1/3 cup of Dawn blue dish detergent removes soap scum, mildew, and even grease from showers, glass doors, and grout.

If you loathe the smell of vinegar, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to mask the odor. Mix the solution and place it in a plastic spray bottle. Voila, that’s it! Spray on soiled areas, let it sit for 30 minutes and then wipe down with a cleaning cloth or sponge. It’s like no other product I’ve ever used in my home.


This solution makes a great kitchen cleanser, too! Mix up a couple of batches so you can keep one under the bathroom sink and another in the kitchen.

A sparkling clean bathroom
Try white vinegar and Dawn dish soap next time you clean your bathroom. You’ll never go back to your old remedies again!

Tip 8: Don’t Go to Bed If There are Dishes in the Sink

Now we’ve come full circle! Just as making your bed every morning sets the tone for the rest of your day, this final tip can help you end your night on a positive note. Don’t go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink! Turn on some favorite music and go for it. The dishwasher will be loaded in no time.

There’s nothing like waking to a clean kitchen, and once you and your family get into the groove each night, you’ll have a fresh start every day from here on out.

How do you clean your home?   For all kinds of mom-centered creative ideas, visit me on Instagram at CanCanMomCB or on Pinterest at theCanCanMom. If you have questions or suggestions, email me at cheryl@cancanmom.com or leave a comment in the box below.

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