Harried mom and her noisy kids

How To Be Content And Enjoy Your Family’s Noise

When you’re in the midst of crying, tantrums & interruptions, don’t fret; be content and enjoy the noise–your family loves and needs you!

CanCan Mom’s hundreds of creative Get-to-Do Lists, routines, schedules, and solutions all make motherhood easier and more fun! Recognizing that you “Get To Do” these things because you are blessed to have a family simply reminds you to Interact with love and laughter more often than impatience.

Have fun incorporating my unique Fast & Free Quick Steps into your daily life!

CanCan Mom

Tune in to Learn the Secrets

“Learn the secrets of feeling one hundred percent content with how you are living your life.” The sound bite during a commercial about today’s Oprah show beckoned me. I’d be lying if I told you I wasn’t just slightly intrigued by that notion. Despite the frenzied holiday season now upon us, I made a mental note that I should definitely perch myself in front of the TV later that day to learn more.

The Noise Begins

As I daydreamed about the concept of feeling one hundred percent satisfied with the many different things that orchestrate my life, the doorbell rang, so I nudged the thought to the back of my mind and slowly shuffled to answer the door. I couldn’t imagine who would be dropping by this early with the school bus still rumbling about our neighborhood.

I hesitated to answer it because of the stunning combination I was sporting at this early hour—an extremely wrinkled sweat suit accompanied by a matted-down hairdo, but our barking dog gave me away, so I had no other choice but to open the door.

A friend of a friend stood there impeccably dressed, makeup perfect, with a chic coif. After our greetings were exchanged, she handed me some paperwork for a charity event I was involved with. As she left, she casually remarked that she admired me for not being afraid to be seen in public looking as I did. I’m not positive, but I don’t think she really meant this as a compliment, so it was probably a good idea that I would soon know, thanks to Oprah, how to feel complete contentment despite my circumstances.

Woman having a bad hair day
Be careful when you open your door early in the morning. If you’re having a “bad hair” day like I was, this might be what people see. Ah, life!

No time to dwell on my non-existent beauty regimen, however, because it was time to get my two youngest children ready for our jam-packed day of taking the car for an oil change, selecting a decent photo for our annual holiday card, exchanging a sweatshirt for my pre-teen son for one that had a hood, and a dozen other things on the continuous list of tasks that patiently await my attention each day.

However, contentment would have to wait—and so would my errands because the doorbell was sounding again.

This time, I didn’t bother sneaking to answer it. With the ringing endorsement I had just received about my bravery despite how I was looking, I boldly opened the door with my eleven-month-old daughter screaming on my hip and my four-year-old shooting Legos out of an empty paper towel tube. However, I smiled happily and welcomed my next visitor—the Peapod delivery man who was here to bring me my groceries. Thank goodness he had arrived before I left to run errands, as I had forgotten he was coming.

Actual Contentment

Now, this was the epitome of contentment as far as I was concerned and had been for the past six months. I can think of very few things that are as exciting to most adults—with or without children—as shopping for groceries online while still in your pajamas and having them delivered right to your kitchen the following day.

Peapod grocery delivery truck
A busy mom’s best friend–a grocery delivery service!

At this point, I knew most of the delivery guys, but I didn’t recognize the man who was loaded up with our many bags this morning.

With a hearty bellow, he introduced himself and apologized for being a few minutes late. He was new to this particular route and had gotten lost. His smile instantly warmed up the dank, gray day. His 70-ish-year-old body scurried up the stairs with many a grocery bag while he hummed a cheerful little tune the entire time he moved.

He maneuvered around the strewn Legos like a pro, carefully setting each bag on the counter. When he was all done, he patiently waited for me amongst the chaos of my ringing telephone, our nonstop barking dog, the crying baby, and one very rambunctious four-year-old boy who had finished playing hockey with the extra Lego pieces and was now in the bathroom, announcing in a very high-pitched voice that he was all done and needed to be helped.

Learned a Secret from a Tuned-in Guy

“Ma’am,” the kind delivery man said, “you are one lucky lady!” He waited a few seconds and continued. “Enjoy all the noise in your life. It means that your house is alive, and you are surrounded by people who love and need you—and that’s more important than anything else,” he finished.

Surprised by his unexpected insight into those harried minutes, I thanked him profusely for delivering not only my groceries but also words of wisdom.

Mom hugging young daughter
Appreciating your current situation, despite how crazy things are, will help you enjoy all your parenting circumstances so much more!

Appreciation is the Key

As usual, the day never slowed down after that. I completed my errands. Soon after that, the rest of my crew returned home from school, filling the house with more ruckus, causing me to completely forget to tune in and discover those incredible secrets for living a life of pure contentment.

That’s okay, though, because I think I already know. Contentment isn’t a combination of hidden secrets waiting to be realized. It’s appreciating your current circumstances every day—whatever they may be. I’m glad I didn’t have to rely on a television show to teach me that.

– CanCan Mom, Cheryl L. Butler

CanCan Mom

What do you appreciate in your life, or what gives you contentment? For all kinds of mom-centered creative ideas, visit me on Instagram at CanCanMomCB or on Pinterest at theCanCanMom. If you have questions or suggestions, email me at cheryl@cancanmom.com or leave a comment in the box below.

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