Valentine projects

How to Make Everyday Valentine’s Day for Your Family

Here are five thoughtful ways you can show the love to your friends and family even after Valentine’s Day.

CanCan Mom’s creative routines and schedules make motherhood easier and more fun. Interact with love and laughter more often than impatience by incorporating my unique Quick Steps into your daily family life!

-CanCan Mom, Cheryl L. Butler

There are love-filled moments almost every day in a family’s home. Cute, adorable, picture-perfect moments, but loving and kind words and appreciation in action are also important parts of all close relationships.

Here are five thoughtful ways you can show the love to your friends and family even after Valentine’s Day:

  1. Handwritten Cards and Notes
  2. Offer Help with a Chore/Activity
  3. Because I Love You Treats
  4. Hold Hands and Hug Often
  5. Say “I Love You” a Lot

Mail handwritten notes or cards to your kids, spouse or partner, coworkers, neighbors, parents, and anyone else who is important to you. In the card, include one or two things that you admire about them or are grateful for. 

Snail mail is almost a lost art these days, so we forget how much fun it is to get an actual letter in the mail. Set aside some time on a blah winter’s day to write out a few meaningful cards and then mail them. 

Journaling can relieve stress for your tween.
Take the time to leave handwritten notes to your family and loved ones. This will definitely make them feel LOVED!

What a loving pick-me-up for your child to get a note from Mom saying how much you admire his hard work in school all year long or a card to your neighbor for being there to get the kids off the bus when you aren’t home.

Volunteer for one of your kid’s or spouse’s household jobs for the week.  Maybe your daughter races home from school each day to walk the dog, or your partner is the one who always helps with the kids’ homework instead of watching the news.

Give your family member some unexpected “me time.” Thank them for always being helpful. While you complete the chore, use the time to give thanks for the unique things about them that are special to you.

woman having fun doing her chores
Show your family some special love by randomly offering to do one of their chores!

Make everyday Valentine’s Day by picking up your fam’s favorite treats for no particular reason. It’s nice to be surprised with favorite sweet treats or comfort foods “just because.”

If you don’t have cookies or cupcakes in the house during the average school week, surprise your family with an unexpected goodie for dessert or an after-school snack. And when they ask what the occasion is, you can simply say, “Because I love you!”

See also 4 Important Reasons to Write Your Family Love Letters

Reach out and touch someone. Yes, I know it’s a cliche, but the fact is that most people respond positively to touch. However, when we are busy, we forget to share an affectionate hug or pat with our most important people.

When you sit with your spouse, take his or her hand; when you walk with one of your children, put your arm around his or her shoulders. Give hugs after breakfast or before homework time to send that important message—you mean the world to me!

Mom huggin her kids while they lay on the couch.
You can never shower your family with enough hugs and affectionate touches of love.

Use your words. It’s so easy to take the words “I love you” or “You’re important to me” for granted. 

When we don’t say them very often, it may even feel uncomfortable actually to verbalize these feelings. That’s when it’s even more important to stop what you’re doing and let the important folks in your life know, out loud, that you need and appreciate them. These heartfelt words should not just be saved for holidays like Valentine’s Day.

How do you make every day a Valentine’s Day in your family? For all kinds of mom-centered creative ideas, visit me on Instagram at CanCanMomCB or on Pinterest at theCanCanMom. If you have questions or suggestions, email me at or leave a comment in the box below. 

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